Tuesday, August 4, 2009

almost walking

Amanda has taken quite a few steps over the past week. The other day she took 6 good solid steps on her own without losing balance or falling! she is getting so big! its so hard to look at her and see that she weighed only 2lbs. i cant believe how much you really love your children and i never knew what this kind of love felt like, its like i can go to bed at night and think 2 myself that she is all i need i can love her unconditionally and no matter what she will love me back! its great!
being a single mom is by far the hardest thing i have done! thank god for my family or i wouldnt have survived the whole NICU thing and the panic the 14 months have been. i love watching amanda grow and i love her smile i swear no matter what mood she was in when she went to bed, she ALWAYS wakes up with a smile!
well i figured i should write so there it is! take care and i hope all is well!